Inspiration to Write about my Travels

Hey guys! So, as most of you know, I studied abroad in Rome, Italy this past semester and had a “bella vita.” Before leaving for Italia, I was planning on keeping a blog describing my encounters throughout my travels. However, my travels and studies took up most of my time and it was difficult to maintain even my own personal journal, let  alone a blog. In fact, I’m still catching up on writing in my journal regarding my trip around Europe.

Let’s just say I still haven’t gotten over my trip to Italy. There’s not a single day when I don’t remember all of the beautiful things I came across as I would aimlessly
lose myself in the Roman cobble stoned streets.

Having a roommate that was periodically updating her own personal blog while we were studying abroad really inspired me to write about my travels as well. In fact, I even started to set up my own blog, only to come up with a title of “Dulce Far Niente” (the sweetness of doing nothing). Unfortunately, that was the only potential of the blog, a mere title. However, as I was reading more travel blogs, namely the “Frugal Traveler” in the New York Times, to reminisce about my own trips, I really became encouraged to write about my journey. I really felt like an outgoing and confident jetsetter this past year and I wanted to write about it.

As mentioned above, I’m still updating my journal about my Eurotrip, so writing about that would take way too long. Therefore, I decided I would write my first travel entry about Hyderabad, India. What better city to start off with than the one I know the best besides my own home? This is the city that I visit almost every summer, mainly to visit my dear family, to whom my attachment has been maintained ever since I was a baby. Hyderabad is the one foreign city that I probably know the most about, considering my annual trips to this place. I recently left for this beloved city of mine on August 3rd and came back on August 20th. Usually, two weeks is not enough to visit family and do everything you want to do in Hyderabad, but that was all the time I had this summer.

So here starts the Journal of a Jetsetter… Hope you enjoy!

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